Indulge in Meticulously Curated

Experience the Finest Omakase Meals with Seasonal Ingredients at Kaiyo Omakase.

Exquisite Omakase

Immerse yourself in meticulously curated omakase meals with finest seasonal ingredients.

Exquisite Omakase Dining Experience at Kaiyo

Indulge in meticulously curated omakase meals featuring the finest seasonal ingredients at Kaiyo Omakase. Our chefs are dedicated to providing a unique and unforgettable dining experience for our guests.



Unforgettable dining experience

Unique flavors

Indulge Kaiyo

Experience meticulously curated omakase meals with finest seasonal ingredients at Kaiyo Omakase.


47-38 Vernon Blvd

Long Island City, NY 11101

Satisfied Customers

Read what our customers have to say about their experience with us.

The omakase meals at Kaiyo Omakase are truly exceptional and unforgettable.

Rafael Diaz
waffle with strawberry and cream on white ceramic plate
waffle with strawberry and cream on white ceramic plate

New York

I was blown away by the quality and presentation of the omakase dishes.

a piece of cake sitting on top of a wooden table
a piece of cake sitting on top of a wooden table
Lucy Miao

New York


Reserve Your Table Now

Experience meticulously curated omakase meals with finest seasonal ingredients at Kaiyo Omakase. Book now!